Summer Survey
The Raymond Tomorrow Summer Survey was available online from June through September 2023. The survey asked big idea questions about your values and vision for Raymond’s future. Rating questions about the quality of public services were also asked to compare respondents’ views with a 2014 survey about public service quality.

Raymond Comprehensive Plan Workshop
On January 20 at the Jordan Small School Cafeteria, we held our first public workshop where residents could share their ideas on important topics for Raymond’s future, including housing, transportation, economy, land use, and more.
At the workshop, the project team gave a presentation of data highlights from our work so far. You can review the presentation here, or download a factsheet about Raymond.
Following the event, an online workshop provided additional opportunity for community members to share their feedback. Additionally, the Raymond Comprehensive Plan Team held several Community Listening Sessions with key stakeholders during this time.

Future Land Use Workshop
On March 19, the Comprehensive Plan Committee held a Future Land Use Workshop at the Public Safety Building to collect input from community members on future preservation, growth, and investment to assist in drafting the Future Land Use Plan. Watch a video recording of the presentation and event here.
Following the event, an online survey provided additional opportunity for community members to share their feedback.